Thursday, June 30, 2005

India trip

My travels to India came earlier than expected. I have always wanted to go to India ever since I read the Jungle Book when I was a wee one (I'm not sure if the Jungle Book takes place in India but I always thought it did). But I thought it wouldn't happen until when I was older and had gathered the courage to go. But as always, my life has taken some surprising turns and I was given the opportunity to lead a group of college students from Dayton to India for a five week immersion trip. We spent most of our time in Bangalore and the southern states of India with our final days in the north, in Kolkata.
It was an intense experience, full of images, smells, and paradoxes that I can still recall vividly. It took me a few months to even process it and to begin telling my stories. While I was there, I sent only a few emails out. Most of my adventures over there were written in my journal or in letter to my friend Brian, who was a prisoner of conscious in jail at that time. My entries here are from my emails home. Over time, I hope to gather the rest of my stories and put them up on here.

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